Services include:
- Search engine-readiness strategies (producing highly relevant, optimized web sites)
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)–creating true organic search relevancy for websites through:
- Keyword research
- On-page keyword development
- Title Tag and Meta Description writing
- Optimizing other search-related content elements
- Google AdWords and AdSense advertising strategies and keyword development
- Social Media Optimization and Social Media Marketing–for organic search (SEO)
- Optimizing your website for social media sharing
- Effective Social Media strategies
- Improving social signals
- Growing Social Media presence
- Content strategy–including curation and expert content writing
- Targeted Facebook Ads, Apps and Facebook Connect
- Facebook for Lead Generation
- Hashtags: Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and other hashtags as an effective marketing tool
- Google+ business page setup, development and use and growing your ircles
- LinkedIn Company Page and LinkedIn Group strategy, setup, content development, and follower strategy
- Video SEO–including use of YouTube and other content provider content on your website, in your social platforms, and syndicated content back to your site (also including setup of multimedia/video sitemaps)